Garden / Landcare
Min hire $160
Half day hire $210
Full day hire $320
Day hire $45
Half day $34
Solo, two stroke
Day hire $18
Half day $12
Min hire $10
Day hire $86
Half day $62
Min hire $40
300mm steel blade
Day hire $25
Half day $18
Solo pack
Day hire $60
Half day $48
Min hire $32
Electric, cordless and two stroke available
450 600 bars
Day hire $30
Min hire $20
Day hire $25
Half day $18
Min hire $12
Day hire $65
Half day $52
Min hire $35
Petrol powered 18 inch
Day hire $110
Min hire $78
Petrol powered Brush cutter 550mm
Day hire $22
Min hire $15
Water filled 750mm wide
Day hire $66
Half day $44
Min hire $30
Cord supplied
Day Rate $95
Half Day $74
Min $52
Min hire $6
Day hire $70
Half day $50
Min hire $30
Petrol powered
Waihi Hire are conveniently located on the corner of SH2 and Dean Crescent in Waihi.
Opening hours:
Mon - Fri, 7am until 5pm
Saturdays, 8am until 5pm
Sundays, closed.
No Capital Outlay
No Registration
No Depreciation
No Servicing
No Maintenance
No Repairs
Well Maintained Equipment
Easy Job Costing
Easy Budgeting
Latest Equipment
100% Tax Deductible
Friendly Service